2012 was the highest grossing year for movies on record, and ticket sales actually increased - which has not occurred since 2009! The U.S. box office grossed over $10.8 billion, a 6% increase over 2011, with admissions up 5% at 1.3 billion.

Not surprising, CMG predicted a stellar summer and winter box office, but the fall grosses also held up as good film product was steady and kept moviegoers coming.
Can 2013 equal or exceed 2012 ?  CMG believes so, for two reasons: people are looking to escape and the product roster looks great.

There will be a new Star Trek, Superman, The Hobbit-Part II, and Iron Man 3. There will be a new Thor, Fast & Furious 6, Hangover III, Hunger Games II, and lots more. Not to mention a plethora of  alternative content that will become more and more accessible as digital cinema becomes the norm.  2013 will be killer for the box office.

What do you think? Let us have your thoughts and comments.

Best and Happy Movie Going!
Jim Lavorato
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